Andorra | Aruba | Australia | Austria | Belarus | Belgium | Bosnia-Herzegovina | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Iceland | Indonesia | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macedonia | Malaysia | Mexico | Montenegro | Netherlands | New Zealand | Northern Ireland | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | Serbia | Slovakia | Slovenia | South Korea | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan | Thailand | Turkey | Ukraine | USA |
Please click above for your country to see if we can export to you.
If you don’t see your country listed here, please contact us.
If you are in an EU country, we are again exporting to you. Due to repeated problems with EU customs, we are now exporting to the EU ourselves and then forwarding our plants to you from within the EU. It is taking a little longer but it avoids customs problems and import difficulties. EU terms are listed under individual countries above.
For other countries we are not experiencing any customs problems though sometimes, exports are seasonally unavailable, due to the time needed to process export health certificates for you. To make these affordable we pool inspections in batches of 25, to shield you from the full cost of around £320 per inspection! When trade is quiet or out-of-season, it is not economical to call out our inspector for a small number of orders and so we temporarily remove exports. Your country will become available again, when our next list is issued after that (issued May and January).