
The bulk of the species that we offer are dwarf, creeping or tuberous species for garden growth with flowering in March and April.

They like moist leafy soils in dappled or light shade; a fruit tree or small shrub is enough. They will tolerate some sun and seasonal dryness, and grow in chalk or acid soils.

Anemone apennina and A. blanda grow from a tuber like a small nut but most species grow from a small, twig-like rhizome, which may not always look much when you get it – that is just how the plants are. These should be planted at once on receipt.

Spring-planted rhizomes may sulk for an entire season, making no above ground growth, or dying back quickly, while they establish a root system. They usually come up full of vigour the following year as long as they have not be damaged by ‘Finger Blight’ – an exploratory finger checking their welfare which snaps their new growth off! Treat dormant rhizomes as growing plants when received and they will be fine, even without a season’s top-growth.

Available for ordering from both our Autumn and Spring lists, though the species range will vary between lists.