
There are many weeds in this genus, thus we offer only a few selected plants worthy of attention in the garden (species such as flanagannii, papilio, tristis and symonsii, when we have them) or under cool glass (the balance of the South African species offered).

Under glass plant into a well drained, gritty compost in November, keep barely moist and cool to delay leaf growth, once this starts in spring, give plenty of water and feed, to promote flowers. Then dry over the summer and start all over the next (late) autumn.

The species which we offer which will take garden cultivation usually need a gritty, well-drained, but humus-rich soil. A mild spot will suit even the hardy ones. Do not confuse these species with the common Mediterranean species such as byzantinus, those do not have a place in gardens, they are weeds!

Available for ordering from both our Autumn and Spring lists, though the species range will vary between lists.