
These plants have been moved between so many genera that I have chosen to ignore the currently fashionable shuffling of Ipheion to Tristagma. I am sure that it is correct, and will remain correct until the next change proves that it was not correct. Call me a sceptic by all means but so far they have been included in Beauverdia, Brodiaea, Ipheion, Milla, Nothoscordon, Steinmannia, Stephanolirion, Tristagma and Triteleia, as well as a brief and erroneous transfer of one species to Luzula, a genus of rushes!

They are readily grown spring bulbs from South America. They provide a tremendous display in February and March with sporadic flowers on and off all year. Garden soil, full sun, fully hardy and trouble free. Some can be vigorous spreaders in the open garden, which is something to bear in mind when choosing a site though we have never found them to be invasive.

We only offer the more recent, worthwhile clones, having decided that the old clones such as ‘alba’ and ‘Wisley Blue’ really have been superseded by far better, more colourful and more vigorous cultivars.

Available for ordering from both our Autumn and Spring lists