The plants offered are true species for garden cultivation. They revel in cool, leafy soil, in light shade. Enriching your soil with peat, leaf-mould or other humus matter is highly beneficial. Few are fastidious as to lime or acid soils, despite an array of conflicting advice on the matter!
Most of our plants are species and are raised from seed to try and minimise the virus problems that plague commercial stocks. Ours are not over-fattened hybrids and so most have small bulbs. A few are large, but most of our specialities are dwarfer species and the majority have bulbs the size of hazelnuts and walnuts. Supplied as dormant bulbs, mostly during their winter dormancy.
Lilies are late ripening and most are seldom ready before October.
Available for ordering from both our Autumn and Spring lists, though the species range will vary between lists.