Notholirion are superb Asian bulbs which sadly, are very rarely seen outside the collections of specialists.
The species offered (but not all in the genus) are for damp, humid, peat or leaf enriched soils in light- or dappled-shade. They revel in the cool, humid conditions that you might associate with Trillium or some woodland Lilies.
Notholirion are monocarpic (that is – they die after flowering) but they leave behind several small bulbs that will reach flowering size themselves in 1-3 years.
Growth of most of our species begins in Spring and ends in late Autumn, they are summer-growing and winter-dormant. A couple of other species Notholirion keoi (which we don’t offer) and Notholirion thomsonianum (which we do sell) need a Mediterranean regime. These two are winter- growing and summer-dormant which is the total reverse of the Chinese species. This is why we offer different species at different times of the year.
Available for ordering from both our Autumn and Spring lists, though the species range will vary between lists.