Stout spathes of translucent glistening, crystalline cream, ark red-brown and dark green. These are strongly striped with sharply contrasted, deep purple-brown, lined spots. The ‘lid’ which folds over the spathe is emerald green.
The spadix is glossy, bright emerald green. It is thin at the very base, then it abruptly dilates to become very fat. It then tapers and bends horizontally before turning upwards again to describe a perfect “S” shaped curve, with a pig-tail wiggle on the tip. It really needs to be seen to appreciate its curious beauty.
This is an Arisaema that would catch the eye of any gardener and you might have gathered that I like it. It grows delightfully easily in a damp. humus rich, well-drained soil in sun or light shade. It increases nicely underground by means of offset tubers, which are produced from the main tuber. These need to remain attached for a season before separation should be attempted.
A fabulous plant, quite variable in colour within the framework of the species and also tending towards yellow colours with age so that even a small clump can appear to be different colours at different times!