Arisaema fraternum CLD.1519


Flowering sized tubers.

Despatched December to April.

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This original collection number has been identified at RBG Edinburgh as consanguineum but for some years we grew this as fraternum (identified as such by an equally qualified expert!) before then being told it was consanguineum.  We used that name for it for some time before reconsidering and restoring fraternum. We have, however, always appended the collection number to any material of this particular plant that we have sold. You may prefer to grow CLD.1519 under either name course, but we wanted to make you aware of the disagreement about the naming! We try, depending on crop, to price the two the same, so no-one can call foul.

In fact this plant looks nothing at all like 120-150cm tall Indian consanguineum or many of the Chinese introductions of the same species both of which are probably much more familiar in gardens; it is smaller here (25-40cm) and it consistently remains smaller. In colour, it has a spathe of delicate green, shaded and infused with straw yellow, the whole with a slightly translucent appearance and a thin purple edge and spathe lid. This is a colouring unlike Indian consanguineum and different to almost all of the Chinese material that we have seen. Most significantly, this plant is stoloniferous, a phenomenon unknown in other consanguineum to the best of our knowledge.

Arisaema fraternum
Arisaema fraternum