Arisarum vulgare Patterned Leaves


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This is the most widespread of the three Arisarum species in the genus, although it is still only seldom seen in cultivation.

Small (by Aroid standards), plain, deep-green leaves are borne with the Arisaema-like inflorescences, in the spring.  These have a white spathe, striped tan with this colour extending to the outside, and lipped-edge, of the spathe.  The spadix is deep brown and hangs down rudely from the opening of the spathe. In summer the whole plant dies away to a small rhizome. Growth restarts in the autumn.

Very sunny, neutral to slightly limey soil with good drainage.

In some locations, A. vulgare is reputed to produce spotted-leaved forms and these, when I have seen them, are very decorative, adding interest throught the growing season rather than just at flowering time. This is a clone is raised here from a single plant which in turn appeared as a rogue in wild seed of Narcissus elegans first found in the Cerro de la Cruz, near Villenueva de Cauche in Malaga province of S. Spain.

Introduced to our lists May 2024


Arisarum vulgare patterned
Arisarum vulgare patterned