This has nicely patterned leaves which are well marked with broad zones and splashes of silvery green over a much darker ground.
The flowers in asaroides generally are a good size and are squat and plump in relation to many species. In this clone the flower is especially short, squat and dumpy and it sits at ground level looking right up at you. The flowers of unselected or wild-type Asarum asaroides are normally a lovely deep dark, purple-brown but in Kyou Maiko there are no purple or brown pigments in the petals of this clone and so the petals are yellowish-green.
The depths of the throat tube is a pale, flesh-pink and the entrance to the throat and floral tube is very sharply defined by a series of raised, warty, white folds. The contrast with the petals is very sharply delineated rather than any gradual merging into them. The outside of the floral tube is deeply impressed with sunken veins and the whole is a very slightly more orange-brown shade than the face of the petals, though the difference is very slight and subtle. I am not for one moment suggesting that this is an orange flower, it isn’t. Again, our pictures show these finer points which combine to make very different appearances in all of our A. asaroides clones.
New to our lists in January 2020