(Heterotropa megacalyx)
In effect the name means “big flowered” and this certainly is, with very thickly textured, deep brown-purple flowers the shape of a three-petalled star and the size of your thumb. These are borne at ground level from about March onwards. They are quite remarkable in appearance, colour and size. In deep shade these are produced sparsely, but with some sun each day they are made in abundance.
The leaves are evergreen but are replaced annually, in spring. They sit above the flowers on long petioles, but the whole plant rarely exceeds 15cm tall. In shape they are simple and heart shaped. In the commoner forms the leaves are plain green and lovely nonetheless, but in some rare forms they are clouded and spotted with pewter and jade green. The patterns can fade through the season.
Kaigu is a clone with large flowers of soft purple-brown, wit the exterior of the tube being slightly lighter, with a greenish overlay. The floral entrance is huge.
Readily grown in humus-rich, well-drained soil in light or partial or transient shade, where it will clump to make a tight patch. It can also be grown in pots if wished.
It was introduced to our lists in December 2019.