This has been known in the past as a species of Hyacinthus. This has also been the case with its relative Brimeura fastigiata, however in the case of amethystina it is even more apt.
Small bulbs make 4-7, narrow, grassy, basal leaves from the centre of which rises a 15-20 cm tall flower stem which bears 10-15 flowers of mid-blue bells (though a white form is also known) in the shape of a classical bluebell, though each tubular bloom reaches no more than 1 cm long. These are produced during May in slender, graceful spikes and make a lovely display, delicate in appearance but tough in constitution.
A well-drained, sunny spot in the garden is ideal though they also make a lovely display in a pot under alpine house or bulb frame conditions.
In the wild, found from Spain and the Pyrenees across southern Europe to the Adriatic littoral.
Picture © A.M.D.Hoog, with permission, and thanks.