Calanthe chloroleuca


Flowering sized rhizomes.

Despatched October to April.
NOT available for U.S.A., Norway, Switzerland, etc.
are no longer shipped outside of the UK and EU.

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A superb Asian species with a range from India, though Bhutan, Sikkim and China. This has typical Calanthe, ribbed leaves borne fully developed with the flowers towards the middle and end of the Calanthe season in April.

The flowers have broad yellow-green tepals which surround a lip of white, cream or pastel primrose. There is, sometimes, the slightest suggestion of rusty-red at the base of the lip. This is a distinctly two-toned flower. The central lobe of the lip folds back under the flower soon after opening in a very characteristic and attractive way. The flowers are superbly scented of wallflowers.

One of my personal favourites and fully hardy here in our raised, shaded beds, composed of a well-drained, moisture retentive, humus-rich compost. A veteran of our -17°C winter of 2010-11.

NOT available for U.S.A., Norway, Switzerland, etc.
are no longer shipped outside of the UK and EU.

Calanthe chloroleuca
Calanthe chloroleuca