Calanthe discolor viridialba


Flowering sized rhizomes.

Despatched November to April.
NOT available for U.S.A., Norway, Switzerland, Japan etc.
are no longer shipped outside of the UK and EU.

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This is a widely spread species in its native Japan and it is also found in both Korea and parts of China.

There does indeed appear to be a great deal of colour variation within this species with its wide geographical range. Recorded sepal colours include yellow, russet and pink. The green tepaled for is var viridialba,  and this has a gorgeous, contrasting white lip.

(The more typical and most well-known variety discolor has spikes of 2cm flowers with petals of olive-khaki, russet-brown or warm reddish-orange which form a hood around the cleft lip, which is usually white, although this can develop a pink tinge as it matures).

An easy and tolerant species which increases pleasingly and takes to garden conditions well, especially in more sheltered areas, out of direct burning sunlight (as with all of the hardy species). It also thrives under cool glass, if potted in leafy soil and kept shaded.

This is one of the best of the species to start growing the genus with.

NOT available for U.S.A., Norway, Switzerland, Japan etc.
are no longer shipped outside of the UK and EU.

Calanthe discolor viridialba
Calanthe discolor viridialba