This rare, high-altitude, hardy plant is native to mountain woodlands in N.Japan. It makes small rosettes (smaller than all of our others) of tough, tidy, pleated leaves and slender growths with lax spikes of 6-8 flowers.
Although slightly variable in colour these usually have a white, cream or pale-yellow, three-part lip, surrounded by long, sherbet-green petals. The junction of the petals is marked by a small orange zone, that nicely completes the pastel-citrus shades of the flower which is powerfully scented of Convallaria (Lily of the Valley).
This dwarf species has the grace, poise and elegance that would announce that it was Japanese, even if you did not know the plant! Grow as for our other species in half shade, leafy soil and wind shelter. It is seemingly very hardy and does well here.
NOT available for U.S.A., Norway, Switzerland, etc.
Calanthe are no longer shipped outside of the UK and EU.