Calanthe sieboldii


Flowering sized rhizomes.

Despatched February to April.
NOT available for U.S.A., Norway, Switzerland, Japan etc.
are no longer shipped outside of the UK and EU.

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(syn. striata, striata sieboldii)

This is a winter-dormant plant, well suited to the rigours of the outside – in a woodland or peat garden where it likes shade, leaf-soil and moisture (though not standing wetness). Woodsey conditions (part of dappled shade, humid air, leafy soil) suit this plant very well.

In spring, shoots slowly unfurl to pleated bright green leaves around a cluster of tight buds that expand to a spike of good-sized, bright golden-yellow flowers which are varyingly infused with bronze and/or warm brown on the tepals.

One of the loveliest species, hardy here and not difficult in a shady, wind-sheltered site out of direct sunlight. This excels under glass.

NOT available for U.S.A., Norway, Switzerland, Japan etc.
are no longer shipped outside of the UK and EU.

Calanthe sieboldii
Calanthe sieboldii