This has good-sized flowers freely borne on quite compact stems with highly divided leaves which have a blue-grey tinge.
The colouring is totally unpredictable and we cannot fathom why, in some years, this has slighty violet-blue infused flowers, whilst in others, the blue just does not show at all, and the plant opens white. In its “white years” there is even a hint of what looks like pink, but this is not actually there, it is show-through, from the nose of the flower, which is darker. With increasing age there is a slight hint of blue around the top of each individual flower, but this can be faint and is sometimes only evident by comparison with truly white clones such as White Swallow or White King.
In its “blue years” the flowers age to pale blue with a hint of blue violet in the form of a thin blue line around the front of the flower. This unstable colouring may be related to planting date but we suspect it is temperature-related and dependent on cold winter temperatures for its best development. At worst, one presumes it was named (it is not one of ours names) with regard to the thin blue line.