Crocus adanensis


Large, flowering sized corms.

Despatched September to October

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A new introduction of a very scarce plant. This Crocus is still not common in cultivation and in the wild it seems to be similarly limited. It is found only in Adana Province in Southern Turkey, where it grows in open woodland or scrub.

It flowers in March producing several flowers from each corm in cultivation, though only 1-2 per corm in the wild. The petals are pale violet with a white base stained with a little yellow six-pointed star. The outer petals can be silvery or buff with violet lining at the base. There are no difficulties growing this, only in getting hold of it!

There appears to be a growing suspicion that Crocus paschei and Crocus adanensis may be different variations of the same species – in which case the name of C. adanensis will take priority as it was named first. For now, this very strong-growing, large flowered strain of C. adanensis with large corms is kept separate and it has been provisionally named as “Turkish Delight

Crocus adanensis
Crocus adanensis