Crocus bolensis


Flowering sized corms.

Despatched September to October

Out of stock

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A newly described species from Turkey with well-marked, well veined, violet flowers which are borne early in the autumn Crocus season and days ahead of its nearest relatives as well.

Crocus bolensis is a close relative of C. specious which is found across the Lake Abant region of Northern Turkey in alpine turf and in woodland clearings. It resembles that species both in size and in some of its colours, however it can easily be told apart as the style branches are very short indeed and they end well below the level of the anthers.  With us, there is a noticeable “glow” in the throat caused by an infusion of white (or a lack of violet) in the very centre of the flower, which helps to contrast the veining and contrast the violet veins. The throat itself is white, but sometimes a yellow colouration is present.

Readily grown in a damp, well-drained loam-based soil and this does not need a hot, dry summer rest, though it seems to tolerate one well if it is given.

Stock raised from hand-pollinated seed from corms originally sent by Janis Rukšāns.

Introduced to our lists September 2017.

Crocus bolensis
Crocus bolensis