Crocus cappadocicus


Despatched August to October.

Out of stock

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(Crocus kotchyanus cappadocicus)

A lovely veined species formerly regarded as a local, endemic subspecies of C. kotschyanus found in Cappadoccia, Turkey. Our forms of this plant have darker flowers than kotschyanus, strongly veined with a fine violet thread-like tracery, the throat bearing a miasmic ring of yellow blotches set around whitish anthers. There is variability within the stock, which is raised from hand-pollinated seed, but all have beautiful floral veinings.

Flowers are produced very early in the autumn (late August onwards, though until late September) and it does well here outside.

Introduced to our lists June 2000.

Crocus cappadocicus
Crocus cappadocicus

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Flowering sized, 1 yr from flowering sized