Crocus oreocreticus


Flowering sized corms.

Despatched August to October.

Out of stock


Crocus oreocreticus is normally one of the deepest coloured members of the sativus group. However in this clone, Mailys, which was selected in horticulture in 2011 from a seed-raised stock of C.oreocreticus, the flowers are very pale violet though the petals are still nicely veined and feathered with a deeper violet shade.  These pale petals contrast superbly well with bright yellow anthers and ruby stigmata.  It is thought that this is probably a hybrid with C. cartwrightianus. The throat is pubescent as it is in C. cartwrightianus, but flowers close at night like the known oreocreticus parent.

Crocus oreocreticus is a mountain plant, originating in the high central peaks of Crete, this has proven to be one of the best of the group for cooler gardens though we grow it here in pots under alpine glass. This putative hybrid is every bit as hardy and easy with us.

Introduced to our lists May 2018 but selected by Antoine Hoog in 2013.

We no longer grow this clone and this is a legacy listing only. We do not anticipate listing it again, having lost our stock. There is no waitlist available for this plant.

Crocus oreocreticus Maïlys
Crocus oreocreticus Maïlys