Crocus pulchellus


Flowering sized corms

Despatched July  to October

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A dependable, early-autumn flowering species for the garden, where it will thrive in a light site, in a well-drained soil. It makes smallish corms which in turn yield scented, lilac-blue flowers with deep, egg-yolk-yellow throats, white anthers and a much divided, frilly pale-yellow style. Flowering is very early, even for the autumn species.

This can also be grown in an alpine house pan, for an early autumn display and then plunged outside after. 

Increase can be by seed or by offsets and the production of rice-cormlets, that will soon reach flowering size yet despite this ease of propagation, this has now become quite a rarely offered species.

Spread from the Balkans into NW Turkey

Crocus pulchellus
Crocus pulchellus