Glyfada is a pewter-leaved strain of Cyclamen graecum, seed-raised from an original plant found by Brian Mathew above Glyfada south of Athens.
There is a little variation as would be expected from a seed strain, but this basically has attractive, soft sage-green pewter coloured leaves with a very thin, bottle-green hair-streak outline to the leaf that you would barely notice apart from the contrast that it provides. The normal intricate mottling and lining of graecum leaves is totally and beautifully replaced by the pewter-sage colouring. The flowers are mid pink with a darker nose.
Easily grown as for the typical plant with no notable extra foibles.
for UK customers ONLY
NOT available for E.U., Japan, Norway, Switzerland, U.S.A. etc. Cyclamen are no longer shipped outside of the UK because of the high cost and excessive bureaucracy associated with CITES permits.