Cyclamen purpurascens


Flowering sized tubers.

Despatched August-April.
for UK customers ONLY NOT available for export

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This species hails from southern central Europe and is considered to be the hardiest of all species Cyclamen, having reportedly taken -35°C in the USA.

This is an early autumn species and it is our first Cyclamen to bloom each year, often as early as July. The pink flowers are delightfully and strongly scented of Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria).

It is naturally a plant of deciduous woodland over limestone and it needs the right simulation of this to do well in cultivation. Lime may be beneficial but try to provide a humus-rich, moisture-retentive soil with good drainage in light shade or filtered sun. The tuber should be planted almost at the surface and then the whole top dressed with leaf litter.

These are tubers raised from seed. The leaves of the offspring are almost all patterned and clouded with light silvery-sage markings. All are evergreen.

for UK customers ONLY  NOT available for export 

Cyclamen purpurascens
Cyclamen purpurascens