Dichelostemma ida-maia Pink Diamond


Flowering sized corms.

Despatched September to April.

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A new introduction raised in Holland. This is neither a selecteion from the wild nor a mutant, it is a the resul tof a deliberate, man-made hybrid between D. ida-maia and D. multiflorum, though the cross is known, historically, in the wild and was once thought to have been a species, then know as D. venustum. (Lenz, Lee W. (1971) “Experimental Evidence for Hybrid Origin of Dichelostemma,” Aliso: Vol. 7: Iss. 3, Article 2.)

The new form form has bright magenta-pink flowers, each hanging on a short stalk. The mouth of the flower flares back to reveal short, white inner segments.

An outstanding plant and a splendid companion / contrast to idamaia. Garden growth with a dry rest once flowering has finished.

Dichelostemma Pink Diamond
Dichelostemma Pink Diamond