Strikingly attractive, silver-foiled leaves would be worth growing the plant for even if it did not flower, however they sit below multi-flowered spikes of crystalline white blooms, each of which has a deep yellow throat.The flowers have dark yellow anthers and this easily distinguishes them, visually, from its nearest relative, E. californicum, though the two differ in many additional ways.
The whole spike is redolent with the scent of Citrus blossom. As the flowers mature so a pink tinge develops in the petals.
Rare in the wild and limited to serpentine soils, this is found in California at around 500m altitude. It is very little seen in cultivation but this is undeniably gorgeous and it does well here in a sharply-drained soil in full sun. Perhaps the best of all of the Californian species, certainly the one to grow if you could only have one species.