A beautiful, early-flowering snowdrop with dark green splashes in the centres of the outer segments, towards the apex. This mark is thicker than the “V”s and “U”s normally found in green-tipped Galanthus and it is edged with the thinnest of gold bands when you look very closely. The shape reminds me of that of an alien spaceship from early video games, though it is variable. With age, the outers do reflex upwards to an extent, in the manner of its presumed parent Trym.
The inners have a broad, green horseshoe mark on their tips.
First spotted in John Morley’s garden at North Green, by Matt Bishop in the 1990s. A very vigorous form doing well in the garden, both flowering and increasing well and one of the easiest- to grow and best, i-poc, green-tipped, Trym offspring for the garden. It soon clumps and yet still flowers well.
AM 2011 (RHS), AGM (RHS) 2016.

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