This is a summer-growing species with white, trumpet-shaped flowers in which the longer, outer segments can be stained with pink. In some forms, or with age, a pink colouration can also develop at the petal tips, again, on the outer segments. The segments do not reflex with age and this stays nicely funnel shaped.
The throat is green on the outside but it is vert pale, lemon-yellow inside with a hint of this yellow sometimes showing through to the outside of the flower, around the tube.
Cultivation is not difficult, in a pot of loam-based compost under frost free glass (in the UK anyway) with a dry rest, when the leaves tell you that it is going to go dormant! The plants can be rewatered after 6-8 weeks of dryness.
Little seen. but this is slowly becoming more widespread. A native of Argentina first published by Ravenna (in Sellowia 19: pp 31) in 1967.