Haemanthus pauculifolius

Flowering sized bulbs.

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Described only in 1993 but known for 20 odd years before that. This is a very rare, new species known from the Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa.

There is a solitary, evergreen, hairy-edged leaf with a tight compact umbel of elongated white flowers, in the winter.

This is a rare plant and I stress that these are cultivated bulbs grown from seed set in cultivation. Although this seems a rather hollow statement as the locality from which the seed came is now under the flood waters of a major dam. Thus only two other wild stations now remain.

Happy in a well-drained, sandy soil and not at all demanding, in fact one of the easiest Haemanthus.

Haemanthus pauculifolius
Haemanthus pauculifolius