Helleborus liguricus


Flowering sized plants.

Despatched October-March

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A recently named species from N.W.Italy, separated from abruzzicus and bocconei by several features such as less divided leaves and larger, very strongly fragrant, flowers.

The leaves have a maximum of about 10, quite broad divisions. The flowers are of greenish white or pale-green and are large for a Hellebore. They are borne well above the foliage and are strongly and sweetly scented in sun with a scent described, varyingly, as Mahonia, Lemon or Cucumber.

A ready grower with no foibles, flowering early in the year from February onwards into April though sporadic flowers appear from November. Indeed flowering from Nov-Feb is normal in the wild, but that is within the Mediterranean basin which is a tad warmer than our climate here in Wales. This has perhaps given it an undeserved reputation for tenderness in the emerging foliage. However it is perfectly hardy here.

Our plants are raised from seed gathered north of La Spezia. They start flowering in February.

Helleborus liguricus
Helleborus liguricus