Hepatica japonica Gosyu Zakura


Flowering sized rhizomes.

Despatched December to April.

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The naming of this clone is a bit of a minefield, as it is NOT Gosho Zakura and it is not Gosyo Zakura, both of which are distinct, different clones.

Gosyu Zakura has a tightly doubled pink flower with whorl upon whorl wrapped tightly around one another as it opens. With time the flower gradually loosens and the whorls unfurl more and open up. You can see this in our second picture where, eventually, the pale yellow infused centre also becomes visible. In looking at the flower, I am thinking of the progression of a double rose, as it matures from bud to blossom to fully blown flower.

Hepatica japonica Gosyu Zakura
Hepatica japonica Gosyu Zakura