Hepatica maxima


Flowering sized rhizomes.

Despatched October to March.

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The largest of all of the Hepatica, this is found only on Ullung Island off the coast of Korea. It has very large, three-lobed leaves which are biennial and thus this is virtually evergreen in most climates. It also means that there is leaf growth present when the white or pale pink flowers are produced in the spring. They have a small whorl of three leaves (an involucre) behind each flower. Later, if you are lucky enough, the very characteristic, black and white seed is produced.

The name maxima is most appropriate since, once left to establish, this can have leaves the size of your hand in clumps 45 cm across. The leaves are delicately, but thickly, edged with fine white hairs and these hairs also cover the emerging leaves completely when fresh ones emerge.

This is a rare plant, both in the wild and in cultivation. These are horticultural divisions of established, cultivated plants. It is very vigorous and not at all difficult to grow when given the conditions that it likes; a light, leafy soil in part shade is ideal. Soil pH is not important and this takes anything from slightly limey, through neutral to slightly acidic soils or composts.

Hepatica maxima
Hepatica maxima