Hyacinthoides vicentina VH.702


Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched September-November

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(formerly Scilla vicentina)

This is a super little, April-May flowering plant, reminiscent of Scilla verna but this is larger and more floriferous, with compact spikes of soft blue flowers of heavy texture, made reliably every year. These have the characteristic paired bracts under each flower and contrasting navy-blue pollen, held on white anthers around a bright azure-blue ovary.

We grow it in a raised bed in full sun, but it is very tolerant and it also does well under alpine glass where its small size means that several bulbs will fit comfortably in a small pot, yielding a good display

Raised from VH (Vic Horton) 702, first collected in Portugal, “Cabo Sao Vicente, roadside near sea, sandy soil, in sun, common, 7th April 1972”

Hyacinthoides vicentina

Hyacinthoides vicentina