Jeffersonia dubia is the Asian species of the two species of Jeffersonia. It is spread from Korea across China to E.Russia, but not Japan. As with many herbaceous Berberidaceae, growth in spring is very rapid and the plant bursts through the soil flowering early. It quickly develops attractive foliage, which is rounded and deeply divided (though not to the extent of the other species, the American “Twinleaf”, Jeffersonia diphylla).
Normally J. dubia would have numerous stalks of up-facing blue-lavender, chalice-shaped flowers cover the plant. However in this fabulous newly released horticultural form the flowers are pure, unblemished white. Might I stress that this is not the rather short-lived (in our experience) white species J. diphylla from North America, but a true white form of J. dubia.
The flowers are borne on stems of about 10-12 cm, the plant is long-lived and slowly clumping and can reach twice this across, with dozens of stems. At that size it demands the attention of any gardener. The fruits which follow are green, pear-shaped capsules, which in this species split laterally, from the top.
Likes well-drained, slightly limey or circum-neutral, humus-rich soils. Said to grow over limestone in Asia, but I have no confirmation of this and with many plants such occurrences are usually more to do with local conditions, habitat, soil and drainage, than any need for lime. Half-shaded woodland-type sites with good humidity are best but this does equally well in a pan or pot under (plunged) alpine glass.