A super Chilean bulb native to the Mediterranean climatic zone within that country. This starts growth in Autumn, stays green through the winter and flowers early in the year with spikes of gorgeous ivory-white flowers (in this form). In the wild it is known with rose flowers and white flowers marked with brick red all however have the very characteristic, pale, club-like, sterile anthers (staminodes) from which the genus derives its name.
This borders on hardiness, cold isn’t actually the problem, it is, in the UK, winter wet that causes its demise when temperatures are low. This is best kept slightly on the dry side but NOT DRY in the winter, so that outside cultivation doesn’t suit it. Given some protection, under glass, it is perfectly manageable, and L. alliacea seems to be one of the most tolerant and easily managed of all of the species.
Raised from Chileflora seed.
Introduced to our lists, August 2020