This combines the yellow-tipped habit of carpathicum with the robust stature and twin-flowered habit of vagneri, the best of both worlds.
Be warned that like all of the yellow forms of this species (and indeed many of the yellow Galanthus, to which Leucojum is a cousin) the yellow shades can revert to green after replanting and especially in soils high in Magnesium it may stay green. It is also a characteristic of this plant that now and again, the two flowers, on one plant, can be different shades of yellow or even yellow and green.
Despite all of the caveats, this is a superb plant for a damp, well-drained spot in light shade. It likes a humus-rich soil and I would avoid growing it in direct sunshine where Narcissus fly will soon find it. Indeed this caution applies to all vernum forms, Leucojum aestivum as well as Narcissus. The females tend to lay more in sunlight and less so in low shade. Its not an infallible rule, but a helpful trend with regard to choosing your planting site.
Propagated vegetatively from an old Czech garden stock, imported in the 1980s and grown here since.