Lilium canadense


Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched October-April

Out of stock

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Whorls of leaves crowd a stout stem which is crowned with a glorious candelabra-spike of large, pendant yellow-orange to red-orange turkscap flowers in summer.

The height varies from 60 cm to 120 cm, according to the wetness of the soil, which ideally should be rich in peat or leaf matter; lime or acid seems to matter less than humus and moisture. Part shade or full sun. In good conditions this is a vigorous plant but it will always need a year for the small bulbs to settle first. N. America.

Having once been quite easy to obtain in the trade. This has now become a very scarce plant in its true form (i.e. not Lilium superbum under another name!)

Lilium canadense
Lilium canadense