Lilium distichum


Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched October-April

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This can be quite a tall species, reaching from a normal 50 cm or so, up to 120 cm tall when robust or shaded. Despite its height it is a slender and very graceful species.

The stem sits with a decorative cartwheel whorl of leaves in the middle. Above this the flowers are borne in spikes of up to 12 and are a shade of orange-vermilion, the petals spotted with red-purple. Each bloom is out-facing and more or less flat-faced (with only the petal tips reflexed). The flowers are not symmetrical about themselves, something you will recognise when you see them.

Readily grown and a humus rich soil in half shade suits this admirably and it looks good growing through a small, open-structured shrub. Still a scarce plant in cultivation and seemingly it is poorly understood in botanical circles also.

Lilium distichum
Lilium distichum