Muscari longipes


Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched September-November

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(syn. Leopoldia longipes)

Named as long ago as 1854 and spread from S.Turkey across Syria, Israel, Iraq and Iran. This is very large and robust making huge flower stems for the genus.

Broad foliage sits below a flower spike that extends gradually, it just keeps coming and may eventually reach 8cm wide x 30cm long.

The flowers are pale caramel with an ink-dipped mouth. The buds are a bright shade of imperial purple and merge gradually into the spike of mature flowers. The small terminal tuft is also purple, in a species in which the display of fertile flowers is so very impressive.

A diploid species and perhaps the most striking species of the genus for horticulturalists. This likes very good drainage and not too much water, lots of sun and a dry summer rest. It is not difficult, perhaps a bit fussy but if you want to grow middle-eastern desert plants, a few compromises are sometimes needed!

Muscari longipes
Muscari longipes