Narcissus albidus


Flowering sized bulbs

Despatched September-November

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This is the form from the Rif of Morocco. A classic hoop-petticoat type flower characterised by having petals which are longer than the trumpet, though only just!

A further character is that the flower buds are sheathed with a violet-brown spathe (which you can see in our picture) rather than the greenish-white spathes of cantabricus forms (which along with romieuxii is its closest relative). The plant looks something like a more robust, up-facing version of hedraeanthus.

Flower colour varies from very pale yellow to yellowish-cream, it is not, and never should be pure ice-white, it is just the name of the plant.

Readily grown in an alpine-house pan or choice, sunny, well-drained spot outdoors with a dry summer rest.

Narcissus albidus SF.110
Narcissus albidus SF.110