Narcissus alpestris


Flowering sized bulbs

Despatched September-November

Out of stock

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Known only from a handful of localities in the Pyrenees, this is a gorgeous species for the garden,  well used to cold, damp and snow-covered winters.

It has lovely milk white trumpets which hang their heads towards the ground in March-April. One of the loveliest but increasingly scarce now, even in the commoner, cultivated strain (or perhaps hybrid?) known as moschatus. Our new stock however is raised from documented wild material and came to us from a German botanic garden.

Happy in a cool, well-drained but humus rich soil in sun or light shade. It will take a year, at least, to establish, do not expect too much of it in its first season and please do not condemn it, or us, until it is established.

Narcissus alpestris
Narcissus alpestris