Narcissus asturiensis Wavertree

Flowering sized bulbs

Despatched September-November

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(syn. minimus)

Narcissus asturiensis (named for the Asturias region of Spain) has narrow flat leaves and bright yellow, perfect miniature trumpet daffodils just 1.5 cm across which are borne in March. These are held on stems that are often only 5 cm tall and rarely reach 10 cm.

This thrives in light shade in a humus-rich, well drained but moisture-retentive soil. We top dress annually with humus-rich matter. Fully hardy here but as with many winter-dormant bulbs it does not like to be soggy in mid-winter.

Nursery propagated stock, seed-raised from an original potful gifted to ourselves and the late Michael Hoog by the late Frank Waley of Sevenoaks, where this plant grew in the garden of his house “Wavertree” by the tens of thousands from self-seeded plants. In turn these plants dated back to one of Frank’s own Spanish collections made in the 1930’s. Another fitting memory of a great gardener, this is however the true species in case the strain name is confusing, it is just that by using it, we can attach the history to this plant.

Narcissus asturiensis Wavertree
Narcissus asturiensis Wavertree