Narcissus cantabricus monophyllos


Flowering sized bulbs

Despatched August-November

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Thin grassy leaves (leaves in the plural since, despite the name, this usually has more than one leaf per plant) and good-sized conical, soft-milky white hoop-petticoats which are borne from January to March. These develop from yellow-tinted buds and open the palest primrose yellow before turning ice-white as they expand fully. Aptly described by John Blanchard as ““uniformly icy sparkling white”, a quote repeated by Jim Archibald, the source of this seed. Originally from plants (JWB 86-14) found in Sierra de los Filabres,  Almería Province, Andalusia,  Spain.

This is fine outside here in a sunny raised bed and it is perfectly cold-hardy. However it reaches perfection with the rain-splash protection associated with being grown under alpine glass. We use a loam-based compost, ensuring good drainage, as we do for all of our dwarf Narcissus species and forms.

Naturally very small bulbs, that is simply the way the plant is.

Narcissus cantabricus monophyllos
Narcissus cantabricus monophyllos