The true plant is an exceptionally beautiful form of the North African Narcissus romieuxii selected from JCA.805 by the original collector, the late J. C. Archibald and named, by Jim, after his daughter. The stock offered is both true and attributable with a rock-solid provenance.
It should (and does) have large, very widely flaring trumpets of soft yellow, looking not unlike a Petunia in shape and these are virtually flat in side-view. This is almost a pale yellow counterpart of N. cantabricus petunioides.
The flower in our picture is of our exact offering showing a fully-developed bloom, which in this, the true plant, reflexes so that the flower is almost flat in the true petunioid manner. In most commercial offerings it does not do this however and we consider that much of the commercial stock, offered under this name and raised originally in the Netherlands, is simply not true to name, lacking this flat, flower shape that the real plant should have.
We offered that plant some years ago, for a couple of seasons only but have now discontinued offering it. We are concentrating instead on a small stock that we do consider true and which is directly traceable to Jim himself, via just one other grower before ourselves. We have a very limited number of clonal plants which have taken many years’ work to produce.
First offered in our lists July 2023