Nectaroscordum meliophilum


Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched September-November

Out of stock

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This shares affinities with N. tripedale which we also offer however N. meliophilum is shorter and seldom reaches over 45 cm tall.

The flowers are differently shaped and differently coloured – a soft pink-lilac, rather than pure pale pink, but in the dense umbels which make both so attractive.  The differences are subtle, but at the same time obvious when the two species are compared.

Sunny choice garden spot with good drainage.

This is an endemic of the Crimean peninsula in the Ukraine, where this seed was first collected and from that we made a first time offering in 2003. However we did not have enough again until May 2018 and in view of the Russian invasion and occupation of Crimea it seems unlikely that seed will be collected again in some time!

Nectaroscordum meliophilum
Nectaroscordum meliophilum