We have a new stock this year (2022) which is raised from seed collected in Crimea by Reinhardt Suckow many years ago (1980). In contrast to our previous stocks of daurica, this is, we think, the subspecies coriifolia if you recognise that and according to the newest concept of the naming in the genus (which has been somewhat in flux recently)!
The glaucous leaves are divided into 9-11 broad leaflets, with wavy edges. These are concave and retain water, in mercury-like pools, after rain. The leaves frequently emerge in a lovely red shade however this does not always happens and it does fade soon after emergence anyway. The flowers are 9cm across with rounded petals of bright rose pink, in May, on plants that can reach 50-60cm.
These grow happily outside in the garden for us, with no special treatment, though full sun or very light shade is good, as is a fertile, well-drained, loam or similar.
It was originally intended that this species was named taurica but something got lost in the description or translation and as the original name is deemed the valid one, so daurica it is!