(syn. Paris hamifer)
A remarkable species up to 60 cm tall, with a large number of very bright green leaves in a whorl, from 10 up to 22 are recorded. The leaves are fixed to the main stem without a stalk (sessile). These leaves taper both at the tip and at the base.
In the flowers the sepals are quite long, about half the length of the leaves, but are as wide. The petals are longer than the sepals, and can be 8 cm long. They are thread-like and yellow green. Filaments shorter than the anthers, ovary globose, angular with 4-10 styles.
Originally discovered (many years ago) in Sichuan province, in China near Jinyang at 1,500 m where it flowers in April. Here it flowers in April and May and once established (for all Paris are slow to put their feet down) it does so regularly. Leafy, well-drained soil such as might suit its relative Trillium.