Polygonatum cyrtonema Giant form


Flowering sized rhizomes.

Despatched October to March.

Out of stock

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Something identified as Polygonatum cyrtonema was a BSBE introduction from China, collected by one of the earliest expeditions to China, when the country started to open up in the 1980’s. Though a plant was distributed under this name the thing actually sent out from that early collection was in fact Disporopsis pernyi. Few people realise that Polygonatum cyrtonema is actually both a valid species and a valid name, but for a very different plant which is a true Polygonatum.  This has thick knobbly rhizomes and stout arching stems – it is one of the taller Asian species. In May bunches of good-sized, hanging, white flowers appear and purple berries follow.

Please note, first of all, that we cannot be 100% sure if this giant plant really is a form of P. cyrtonema. It looks like it and keys out as it, but determination of these little-known Chinese species is very difficult. This plant arrived in cultivation from China many years ago labelled as Polygonatum cyrtonema (and this introduction actually was a Polygonatum) and is has slowly established. One plant in the small stock appeared to grow particularly tall, regularly reaching over 150cm in height and in some years 180cm-200cm, yes 2 metres tall ! It has kept this massive size while it’s brethren have remained substantially smaller but typical. Seed sown from the Giant form grows well, but the resulting plants remain at normal size for the species and none have ever attained anything like the 2m of the parent.

It is spectacular and guests in the Belgian garden we obtained our stock from are said to always ask for a piece. It is quite fantastic and of great ornamental value! We are now offering vegetative divisions of the original plant from the original clump (now many years old), as shown in our picture. Growth is easy, as for all of the species, in a fertile, humus-rich soil in part- or half-shade however increase is very slow and so there are not many divisions available. This is a first time offering.

Added to our lists November 2018.

Polygonatum cyrtonema Giant
Polygonatum cyrtonema Giant