A gorgeous pure white form of P. peshmenii, without any blue tones. It has a tiny trace of blue-green on the base of the midribs of the buds as they open (this fades). It appears creamy white as the yellow pollen is visible through the white petals. It is vigorous in growth, reaching 20cm tall, and more floriferous than ordinary peshmenii.
The flower shape is more reminiscent of Hyacinthus, than the open-bell shape of P. scilloides. This is even more beautiful than P. scilloiides and perhaps even P. peshmenii itself! It is later to emerge in the spring than scilloides and has far more flowers in its spike.
This is clonal, having been increased from a single bulb, found by Dr Arnis Seisums, who is responsible for bringing it into cultivation. The original was found on a trip in Turkey together with J. C. Archibald. Jim apparently showed great surprise at Arnis’s interest in it at the time. It is named (by ourselves) in honour of Jim with the kind permission of Mrs Jenny Archibald.
Does well in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Dry in summer.
Newly released and first offered by us in July 2014.