The stock offered is raised from seed originally found in the Maldonado Department of Uruguay round about 100Km to the east of Montevideo and located within the municipality of Pan de Azucar (meaning “sugarloaf” named, apparently, for a nearby Granite hill, the Cerro Pan de Azúcar, which is topped by a cross).
This stock is raised from one of the original four forms first introduced by Dr. Patricio O’Farrell, each from distinct geographical areas within the range of the species (granatiflora, Liebig, Pan de Azucar, Pipinas).
Hardy with superb umbels of bright vermilion with a greenish star in the throat. The flowers are funnel-shaped and as is usual for the species the inside of the flower presents the most intense colour. The exterior is slightly grey-dusted but less so than in the other geographical forms and additionally, the green rays of the star are raised and visible on the outside. The anthers are yellow and the flowers are borne on 20cm-30cm tall stems in September.
We do our best on these to send what we think are flowering sized bulbs but like many Amaryllidaceae, this can refuse to flower, after disturbance, in its first year after planting. Thus a slightly smaller, non-flowering sized bulb will grow and establish and then flower in the same year as a flowering-sized one which has sulked for a year.